Lake St. Charles CDD People

Photo of Virginia (Ginny) Gianakos

Virginia (Ginny) Gianakos


Seat 1 11/2026

Adriana Urbina

District Manager

The District Manager is responsible for Administration of the District, inclu...

Photo of Yvonne Brown

Yvonne Brown


Seat 2 11/2026

Jeremiah (Jay) Nails

Property Manager

Maintains LSC grounds in a pristine condition, including irrigation upkeep, repairs, tr...

Photo of John Hines Marshall

John Hines Marshall


Seat 3 11/2028

Dyara Sanchez

District Administrative Assistant

The Lake St. Charles CDD District Administrative Assistant is responsible for administe...

Photo of Toni Marie Davis

Toni Marie Davis


Seat 4 11/2028

Luis Martinez

Facility Manager

The Facility Manager works on an irregular schedule, with varying days and hours, inclu...

Photo of Benjamin Turinsky

Benjamin Turinsky


Seat 5 11/2028

Erica Augello, Esq., B.C.S.

Lake St. Charles Registered Agent

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