Board Vacancy

The Lake St. Charles Board of Supervisors is seeking candidates, meeting statutory requirements of a qualified elector, to fill a vacancy on the board.  Qualified elector means any person at least 18 years of age who is a citizen of the United States, a legal resident of Florida and of the district and who registers to vote with the supervisor of elections in the county in which the district is located.  The position is for a term ending in November 2024 and requires availability to participate in the monthly board meetings on the first Tuesday of each month and additional meetings as needed and availability to participate in Board appointed committees, which meet monthly.

If you are interested and have a willingness to assume leadership responsibilities as required by the LSC CDD Board, including serving in an officer position or committee chair or co-chair, please submit your name and contact information, and a brief resume of your qualifications to Adriana Urbina, District Manager at 813 741-9768 or email to  Only submissions received by May 23, 2024 3:30PM will be considered.  Interested candidates must be in attendance at the June 04, 2024 general beginning at 7:00 p.m.  The Board of Supervisors will interview candidates and make their selection at that time.

We will begin accepting qualifying documents and fees on May 27, 2024, during the pre-qualifying period. Candidate qualifying begins at noon on June 10, 2024 and ends at noon on June 14, 2024. Candidates who pre-qualify will be marked on Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections website as "Qualified" after the qualifying week begins at noon on June 10th. 

In order for a candidiate to be qualified and have their name appear on the ballot, all the required documents and the qualifying fee must be submitted to the Supervisor of Elections Office no later than noon on June 14, 2024. 

Required to Qualify:

  • Statement of Candidate (Form DS-DE 84) - If not already filed 
  • Candidate Oath
  • 2023 Financial Documents
  • Qualifying fee - $25 (check, money order, or cash)

Qualifying Packet - It's best to download the forms before filing them out and saving them. Do not sign the Candidate Oath until you are in the physical or remote presence of a notary. 

Financial Disclosure: 

Statement of Financial Interest (2023 Form 1)

  • If you have an annual filing requirement AND are running for office, you will complete your disclosure in the Commission on Ethics' Electronic Financial Disclosure Management System and submit your filing electronically to the Commission, then print a varification/recipt of e-filing your form or print a copy of your disclosure to file with our office. 
  • If you are a candidate who does not currently hold an office or other position requiring disclosure, you will complete your disclosure in the Commisiion on Ethics' Electronic Financial Disclosure Management System via the "I am a Candidate" link and print it for filing with out office.

If the required items listed above are not recieved and complete by noon, June 14, 2024, you will not be deemed a qualified candidate. Visit the Candidate Qualifying Locations page to find the best location for you.

Please visit the CDD Candidates page for additional information about candidate qualifying.


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